Posts in Motivational Monday

What is micromanagement?

Is telling managers  how they should manage, micromanagement? 路‍♂️

Recently, I saw a post on LinkedIn that was telling managers to, “Stop being a micromanager.”

Of course, the post didn’t say how to stop…just that micromanaging is bad and those that do it drive employees away.

When I said something (questioning), the response was simply, “They should stop their BS.”

No conversation…no discussion. I’m right, you’re wrong, do what I tell you. What does that sound like?

Why do managers micromanage?

Could it be that no one has told them what causes micromanagement, how to identify it, and what to do about it?

I don’t think managers wake up in the morning and say, “I’m going to micromanage my people today!”

Micromanagement is basically telling your people the way to do something without telling them how or why. Micromanagement is always stepping in and doing it for them and correcting mistakes yourself.

I believe, telling managers to stop micromanaging (Stop their BS) without teaching how or why, is essentially micromanagement of managers. Stepping in and managing yourself or removing a micromanager is micromanagement.

#business #success #incubator #coaching #consultants

Working from Home

Pre-COVID…Boss to Employee: “Our company cannot survive with anyone working from home.”

Post-COVID…Boss to Employee: “Our company cannot survive without everyone working from home.”

Was your boss one of the many that didn’t allow remote work?

How’s that working out for them now?

#success #incubator #business #coaching #consultants

Next Ripple for Coronavirus

For many people, monthly bills are due soon: rent, car, accounts, etc.
Why is this important?

Ripples in the pond.

This is when the economy is going to start feeling the crunch.

With so many people out of work and so much turmoil in business, everyone will start making some financial decisions.

To pay or not to pay.

It’s now that the true economic impact of coronavirus is going to start showing up.

Consider this, 3.3M — record numbers — on unemployment. They’re going to make every dollar they have go as long as they can, right?

Businesses have a lot of monthly bills, but the future for their company isn’t clear and cash is king. They’ll probably hold off paying any bills right now — holding on to their money.

Also, people are going to start tightening their belts because of the lack of money coming in. So, significantly reduced spending will start occuring this coming month.

This coupled with people staying at home, so no gas being bought, no travel, and no entertainment.

Result: considerable less cash flow in businesses and more lay offs.

Vicious Circle.

#success #incubator #business #coaching #consultants

Confusing Signals?

Confusing Signals in the Office?

Consider your message and signal change appropriately.

Have you ever been driving on the highway and some driver suddenly cuts across from two lanes over to exit, nearly causing an accident?

Ever sat at an intersection waiting for a car to pass so you can get out, when that driver turns at your street without signaling?

How about pushing your grocery cart through the store and someone suddenly stops right in the center of the aisle to grab something off the shelf?

Imagine running your business like this? Starting and stopping, turning, and changing…all the whole time forgetting to signal your actions to your employees and customers.

When you’re planning a change in business, consider all the ways to signal the change. Think of all the trouble it won’t cause!

Great Find from Disney!

Have you ever seen this from Disney?

I know this was the first time I saw it!

On the Gallup Q12, Question #8 asks, “Does the mission/purpose of your company make you feel your job is important?”

I’ve studied the Gallup results and looked at many top performing and low performing companies. There are four things that drive engagement in an organization and mission / purpose is the number one.

If Question #8 is a disagree or strongly disagree, the rest of the survey will follow suit.

However, having a strong mission/purpose is only part of the story. Some organizations have done a phenomenal job identifying a very purposeful mission. Then, they fail to effectively communicate it and their leaders fail to live it.

How is your organization’s engagement around its mission and purpose?

Get the book today:
Overcoming Organizational Myopia:
Breaking Through Siloed Organizations

Your Number One Motivation

What is your number one #motivation?

Personally, I am most #motivated by helping others achieve #successes that they weren’t able to achieve themselves.

Being a #success #incubator sometimes means that someone’s success isn’t always easily attributed to you. A few months ago, some people I worked with started talking about building a #consulting approach to their work.

A year prior to that, I had led our team down that journey…moving from an #intakementality to a #consultingmentality (finding and creating the work ourselves). Someone I worked with asked me if it bothered me that someone was taking credit for my ideas and efforts without attributing me for the effort.

I wasn’t bothered at all.

See, it was #motivating to me to see them moving in a #positivedirection. I know and they know where they got the #idea…it’s not necessary for everyone to know.

Recently, I was telling someone that very few people will take the time to #recognize people publicly for what they’ve done. On #socialmedia, few will write a #review or #recommendation, even when you do a great job.

It’s important to be able to pull #motivation out of something #extrinsically versus feeding off the #intrinsic parts of it.

So, what #motivates you?

What Motivates Us

I often talk about motivation and its importance. Motivation causes us to act or behave in a certain way. It feeds our willingness or desire to do something.

I believe, all motivation comes from within. People might say, they’re going to “motivate someone,” but it’s like the saying, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.”

Our biggest motivators come from inside us. Being part of something bigger than yourself is a strong motivator of purpose. Companies use pay and benefits as motivators to get people to work for them. That’s perhaps the biggest external motivator a company or boss can provide.

My wife and I own an equestrian facility. There isn’t a lot of money in the equestrian business, unless your a top competitor, huge breeder, or high-society barn. We believe in building a strong understanding and desire in horsemanship. We keep our prices reasonable to allow for many people to afford us, but also run a respected facility. We like it when the people who work with us feel motivated by what we do and our purpose.

Just yesterday, it was an ear-to-ear smile of a kid on a horse that made the job so worthwhile.

It’s these moments that business owners should look for to kindle motivation in their employees.

Time to feed your brain!

Happy Monday!

There are four positive chemicals that improve your mood and health. They are Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin, and Endorphins. Here are eight simple daily habits to feed your brain — start them today!!!

🥛 Switch out one caffeine drink a day with a glass or bottle of water.

🚶‍♂️ Park far away from entrances and walk into work or the store.

🕤 Go to bed 30 minutes earlier than you currently do and get a little more sleep.

🎶 Listen to music at least once every day.

💨 Take five minutes every day to do deep breathing — clear the mind, slowly inhale, hold it, slowly exhale … repeat.

🤗 Hug someone once a day…a partner, a family member, a friend, even (possibly) a stranger. Just hug at least one person every day.

🐴 Pet an animal once a day. Personally, we have horses, donkeys, dogs, and cats, so I have no problem with this. But try to pet an animal once a day.

🤣 Read something that makes you smile or laugh every day…consider getting a joke-a-day app or something.

Do these very simple things every day and your mood and health will improve. No need for drugs or expensive programs. Just take little steps to feed your brain!