Posts tagged startup

Reset Your Funk!

Ever have one of those days where you feel in a funk and, regardless of what you’ve got done, you feel like you haven’t accomplished anything?

You don’t want to carry that feeling and funk into tomorrow.

How you you hit the reset button and start out a new day with a positive outlook on the rest of the week?

Coach vs Consultant

When people ask me what I do, I tell them that I am a Personal and Professional Business Coach and Consultant.

But isn’t a Coach and Consultant essentially the same thing? I don’t believe so.

If you know who Tony Robbins is, you’ll appreciate his breakdown:

However, here is my simple definition of differences…

A Coach guides and advises you on taking action to solve problems, overcome obstacles, and achieve success.

A Consultant takes the action for you.

It boils down to two things: Capacity and Capability. Capacity means that you have the time and resources to take the action yourself. Capability means that you have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to take the action yourself.

You coach someone when they have the Capacity and Capability. When they don’t have one of the two, you step in as a Consultant.

What Was Your First Job?

What was your first job? Leave a comment below.

My first paying job was a paperboy. When I look back on this now, I can see the lessons I learned and didn’t realize it.

Capacity Management. No matter how many papers I would have liked to deliver (and make money from), only so many would fit in the bags on my bike. This is why paper routes were taken over by people in vehicles.

Accounts Payable. If I didn’t collect the money from the customers, I didn’t get paid. This taught me concepts, like: “fee for service,” and “deadbeat.”

Customer Experience. I got lazy and I dumped my papers in the bushes one time. Tons of people called and complained. I don’t mind being lazy, but that just caused more work in the long run. People don’t like lazy employees.

I didn’t think I was a Business Owner when I owned a Paper Route. Maybe if I had, I would have run it different? In life, we often do see us as “owning” anything when we work for a company…we turn over our rights to someone else. Maybe we need to rethink ownership, regardless of our role?

Where did you start and what didn’t you learn from it?

Faith and Start Ups

Faith is a huge factor in your success of your new startup. You must believe in what you’re doing and that you will be successful.

Three years ago, my wife and I bought a run down horse farm in Bulverde TX. Our vision was, and still is, to create a “premier equestrian destination.” Officially, we had our Open House two years ago and we’re still running Fine Print Farms today.

I remember back about a year and a half ago, I was over at Cowboy Church, next door. The pastor was talking about “being called by God to do something in life.” The lady sitting next to me asked me, “What did God look like, when he asked you to buy that broke down farm next door?” My response, “Suprisingly like my wife!”

Trust me…we’ve had some significant rough patches and we will have more. Our faith of our vision has often been tested. Our faith will continue to be tested!

In any and all startups, you need three things:

🔭 A VISION of what your business will look like in the log term.

🔒 A BELIEF that the vision will come true.

🕯 And FAITH in your belief of that vision.

You will be tested…and it will be hard. Everytime you’re tested, close your eyes, picture your vision, and believe. Have faith in what you believe!!!

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Recently, I was talking to a Branding Coach at a networking mixer. She said, her most difficult challenge in working with new business clients is that they don’t even know what business they want to be in.

Many people dream of starting their own business … striking out on their own as an entrepreneur. However, they don’t really know what they want to be when they grow up.

There are so many challenging questions that start-ups face, but this one is daunting.

Here are a few ideas … I would love to hear yours:

▶️ Take what you do today, and turn it into your own business. You know you’re already good at it. You can create a side-hustle or create your own company.

▶️ Turn a hobby into a job. I love golf, and about 15 years ago, I came up with a pretty neat business model around the sport.

▶️ Buy into an existing business. There are many franchise opportunities that exist. Also, businesses are always being sold by others for various reasons. If you don’t know what you want, take a look at what already works that you can buy.

Consider four things when starting out on your own. 1. You love what you do. 2. You are good at it. 3. People need it. 4. People will pay for it. At the center of these four, is PURPOSE.