Posts tagged measure

Measuring the important things

This was posted last month, but I forgot to share it.

In order to run a quality organization, all you really need to measure is three things. Many organizations measure everything and anything and often, what’s being measured isn’t something you can do anything about. Learn about these big three measures and how to collect and use them to deliver on a continuous improvement culture.

Blogging Weekly with National Graduate School

john knotts
Happy Cinco de Mayo!

I am now a weekly guest blogger with National Graduate School.  Please check out my blog there.

Follow us as we explore how to build a culture of continuous improvement.

Building a culture of continuous improvement isn’t easy and can take a considerable amount of time.  However, it’s very possible and results can be felt within weeks of embarking on the journey.  Over John’s 25 plus years of experience, he’s developed a model rooted in strategy and designed to build this culture in any organization.  Join John and National Graduate School as we weekly explore this model and ways to drive this type of culture.  We look forward to your thoughts and inputs along this journey, so join us and watch for our future blogs about once a week with the tag line “CIC.”