Posts tagged speaking

You have no competition!

What if I told you that, “You have no competition?” 🤠🥳🤓

Well, that’s what 3Sixty Integrated CEO, Will Duke, shared to a full house recently at a recent ACG Central Texas luncheon.

I found this an intriguing statement.

Do you feel as if your company has competition? Or not?

If you do, how would you change your paradigm to think otherwise?

What would the business world be like without competition?

What are your thoughts?

#success #incubator #business #coaching #consultants
Crosscutter Enterprises

Are people wasting your time?

What do you do if a speaker goes over their allotted time? ⏲

How valuable is your time? What do you think about people that abuse it? What if they’re a speaker/presenter?

In my mind, one sign of a professional speaker is that they stick to their time window, even if that window changes at the last minute.

Those that can’t, in my mind, are unprofessional.

Last night, I attended a monthly meeting with a professional association. Every meeting has a keynote speaker and this one was no different. Normally, the speakers keep to their time — last night was different.

The meeting ends at 8 pm, which means the speaker should finish by 7:45 or so for questions and close out.

At 7:58, the speaker looked at his watch (was about halfway through his presentation), and said, “I’ll hurry up and finish up, since I’m out of time.” He finished and asked for questions at 8:30 pm!

For me, I lost interest in his subject at about 7:50 pm and I stopped listening altogether when he realized he was taking too long and refused to care. The way I look at it, he felt his material was more important than the time of the 60 or so people in the audience.

What are your thoughts?

Crosscutter Enterprises

Why Do You Do What You Do?

imageMany people start their own business for a variety of reasons: extra income, want to be their own boss, freedom of when and when not to work, stay at home parent, and a whole host of other reasons. However, many of these businesses fail over time, often because the owner didn’t document, follow, and constantly update a strategic business plan. The often overlooked and seldom thought about aspects of any strategic and business plan, is deep down, why you’re doing what you’re doing and where you want it to go — the mission and vision. Sure, many companies have an idea and even some of them they write it down. But, how good are these statements for your company?

Join John Knotts, a strategic business advisor with over 25 years’ experience working with companies of all sizes to improve their business operations. The first questions he asks in any engagement are: what do you do, why do you do it, where are you today, and where are you going. These questions begin to form, what he calls, the ‘Strategic Bridge’, a visual representation of your strategy at work.

Bring your current mission and vision statements for you company and let’s examine, along with John, what you do and why you do it.

Bulverde Spring Branch Business Networking
Friday, August 18, 2017, 8:45 am
St. Paul Lutheran Church of Bulverde (The Red Roof Church)
29797 US-281, Bulverde TX 78163
Free to attend

ASQ Keynote Presenter, Tuesday, May 13th

For those interested, I will speak this Tuesday night at the ASQ Section Meeting.

The meeting will be at the South Texas Blood and Tissue Center (STBTC) Donor Pavilion and starts at 6 pm.

I will provide a keynote presentation called Stop Jumping to Do designed to provide the audience with a simple method to build effective project plans in less than an hour.

Guests are welcome…would love to see you there.

Speaking in May for ASQ

I will be speaking at the upcoming May American Society for Quality Section meeting.

The location is the South Texas Blood and Tissue Center Donor Pavilion. The Donor Pavilion is up the road behind the Center itself. The date and time are Tuesday, May 13, 2013, at 6:00 to 8:00.

Stop Jumping To Do!

We are all project managers. When you think about the basics of a project, you can see that every day we manage projects. The question is, how well do you plan them?

John will share his simplified project planning methodology he developed when investigating a way of easily turning strategy into action. Not only will he share with you the simplified approach, but he will take you through an example of the approach and leave you with the basic planning tools you’ll need to apply this technique in every project you manage.

Here are the benefits of the approach:
• It’s easily repeatable.
• It ensures project success.
• It allows for simple timeline planning.
• It takes less than an hour the first time you use it.

Hope to see you there.