Posts tagged consistency

Is consistency key?

Pre-COVID Boss to Employee: We need to be consistent in our operations, processes, and products.

Post-COVID Boss to Employee: Consistency in our operations, processes, and products is killing us.

Consistency is Key   — Right?

But, what if it isn’t?

What if Consistency is Killing  Your Business?

Consistency essentially means to do things the same…right? And that’s a good thing! Or is it? 樂

As businesses all over the world ran headlong into COVID-19, many of them tried to continue doing what they’ve always done…regardless of the changing environment.

Innovative companies — maybe not so consistent companies — quickly adjusted and continued to operate.

So, is consistency really key or what?

Many a business has been left behind due to consistency … Blockbuster, Kodak, KMart, etc.

Standard work is good…yes. Having consistency in operations, processes, and products is good. As long as your constantly evaluating effectiveness and can quickly change with the environment.

Is it time to reevaluate consistency?

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#consistency #covid19 #coronavirus