Posts tagged Voltaire

Take A Leap Hump Day

Happy Hump Day!

Voltaire said, “Great is the enemy of good.” While Cardone said, “‘Thinking big’ simply isn’t enough.” Which statement do you believe?

What is your passion? Are you living it? Are you aiming low and hoping to hit the mark? Are you accepting the status quo…the, “We’ve always done it that way,” or “That’ll never work?”

Taking a leap doesn’t mean completely throwing out the old for something totally new and scary! You can take the leap, just by doing one thing a week that scares you. It might be enrolling in a new college class, taking a different route to work, parking in a different location, or even eating at a new restaurant.

Taking a leap is a way to hijack your sedentary brain and shock it into awareness. Wednesdays are perfect days for taking little leaps. Simply start doing one thing different that improves your work or life.

What’s your one thing this week?